
Are you wanting to call in abundance into your life? Then you’ve come to the right place! Abundance is a mindset and an energy frequency and I will be performing an abundance ceremony to call in abundance in all areas of our lives for the next three months. It’s something I do for myself (and close friends) regularly with great results. Abundance doesn’t necessarily mean financial abundance either (although that’s definitely part of it!) The Abundance Ceremony calls in abundance in all areas of your life! Health, wealth, jobs, family, friends, relationships - the options are limitless.

We are all energetic beings and when we take a moment to ask, with intention and with clarity, for exactly what it is that we want from the Universe - it’s surprising how often it will come crashing into your world! If we have a scarcity mentality around abundance and especially financial abundance we will never vibrate at the same level - we need to be a vibrational match. I will use a combination of reiki and other ceremonial methods to complete the ritual and you will be notified once the ceremony is complete. What do you need to do? Surrender and be open to receive - it really is that simple. I’ll do the rest!

If you are purchasing as a gift, please ensure the recipient is ok with receiving before purchasing.

Abundance ceremony

social media E-course

aromatherapy kit

Eleanor jewelry

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